Manitoba School Psychologist to Student Ratio Researcher: Application Deadline April 30, 2023
MASP is looking for a researcher for a data collection project. This project aims to research, analyze, and report on the ratios of FTE School Psychologists in Manitoba to the number of students at both a school division and provincial level.
The prospective researcher is required to be a Manitoba certified School Psychologist (active or retired) or a current School Psychology Student, and a member of the Manitoba Association of School Psychologists (MASP).
The researcher will record their hours and be reimbursed at $25/hour as required to complete the process. Up to 160 hours have been approved by the board and are to be used only if required to complete the project. The researcher will consult, receive guidance, and report progress and results to a Data Project subcommittee of the MASP Issues Committee. (FYI: If you are interested in joining the subcommittee to oversee and support this project, please contact
Part of the position is to establish what is required to gain the data, which may include developing a survey and interviewing School Psychologists and Administrators. The end result will be a summary report linked to supportive data. The project is expected to be completed within a year of the start date.
Click here for further details on the position (to view this post, you’ll have to be a current member and logged into the MASP website). Submit application to by April 30, 2023. Application may be in the form of a letter of interest that describes your experiences in such a position, some brief ideas of how to start the process, and any potential concerns or conflicts of interest. The time spent on this project would be expected to occur outside of other paid employment. A decision regarding the successful applicant will be made by the MASP Board. All applicants will receive a letter of appreciation.