Registration for Psycho-educational Considerations in the Assessment of Indigenous Students

Presented by Manitoba Association of School Psychologists (MASP): October 25, 2019 8:45am to 3:30pm at the Canadian Museum for Human Rights.

The session will be facilitated by Dr. Todd Cunningham, a school and clinical psychologist and a faculty member in the Applied Psychology and Human Development department at the University of Toronto. Dr. Cunningham will provide a presentation on the assessments used by a project in northern Ontario Indigenous communities, the methods used to interpret results, the strategies used to consult with teachers, and the types of reports written (e.g. specific accommodations and modifications for the IEP). A case study will be presented to illustrate the process. This information will be helpful to those school psychologists who work in First Nations communities, as well as to those who assist students moving between First Nations or Indigenous communities and rural or urban school divisions.

Tickets are available exclusively for MASP members until October 4, 2019, after which registration will open to non-members. Click here to register in person or via webcast.

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