Manitoba Resources
- Clinic for Alcohol and Drug Exposed Children - Children’s Hospital of Winnipeg (204-787-1828)
- Addictions Foundation of Manitoba Youth Unit – (204-944-6235)
- Aboriginal Health and Wellness Centre FASD Prevention Program (204-925-3750)
- Nor’West Mentor Program (204-940-6646)
- FASD Outreach Team (204-945-6333)
- Fetal Alcohol Family Association of Manitoba (204-786-1847)
- Book Resource: ‘So You Have Been Diagnosed with FASD – Now What?’ The goal of this handbook is to help young people with FASD learn more about Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD). It also offers strategies that those with FASD can use to better understand themselves, improve relationships, manage feelings, do better in school and live a healthy life. Includes information, strategies, several activities and quizzes.
- FASD Life’s Journey An agency providing disability services in multiple rural and urban locations within the province of Manitoba. We offer Residential, Outreach, and Fostering programs with adjunct services including Cultural supports, Clinical resources, addictions and wellness programming opportunities.
- Healthy Child Manitoba: FASD Manitoba Resource List A comprehensive list of services and agencies specific to supporting individuals with FASD.
- Manitoba Addiction Agency Network Represents addictions agencies and programs funded through Manitoba Health. This website includes a comprehensive list with links to various organizations and supports that aim to help Manitobans struggling with addiction.
- Manitoba FASD Centre The Manitoba FASD Centre is a multidisciplinary assessment, education, training and research service of the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority Child Health Program. It provides assessment and diagnosis of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder in individuals.
- New Directions Family Support, Education, and Counselling Program
- Social Thinking PD, webinars, and resources to facilitate social thinking and social skill development, including self-regulation.
- The Provincial Outreach Program for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (POPFASD) A British Columbia website that includes access to current research, ideas, strategies, training and resources in order to build capacity in school districts for students with FASD and their teachers.
- What Educators Need to Know About FASD: Working Together to Educate Children in Manitoba with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder The goal of this resource guide is to provide teachers with a clear understanding of the needs of students with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome or Fetal Alcohol Effect by describing the common learning and behavioural characteristics, and suggesting strategies that may be helpful in supporting children who are alcohol-affected in the classroom.
Current Feb 2016