Manitoba Education
- A Protocol for Transitioning Students with Exceptional Needs from School to Community
This document is intended for transition planning partners, including Manitoba Family Services and Consumer Affairs, designated agencies, Child and Family Services Authorities and Agencies, Manitoba Health, regional health authorities and their programs and services, Manitoba Education and educators in Manitoba.
- Assistive Technology Lending Library
Several links on the MB Education website detail how to locate and access assistive technology resources for students.
- Education and Child and Family Services Protocol for Children and Youth in Care
This document assists educators, child and family services workers and caregivers in assessing, planning and responding to significant transitions for children and youth in care.
- Healthy Child Manitoba: Best Practices in School-Based Suicide Prevention
This guide is intended to provide a framework to help school administrators and their partners develop comprehensive planning for suicide prevention.
- Indigenous Education and Training Links
The links on this page provide detailed information on particular strategies and initiatives within the province of Manitoba.
- Manitoba Curriculum Documents
A link to all of Manitoba’s curriculum documents from grades K-12.
- Manitoba Pupil File Guidelines
This document is provided to assist school boards in carrying out their duties and responsibilities respecting student information.
- Protocol for Early Childhood Transition to School for Children with Additional Support Needs
A document intended to support families, preschool service providers and agencies, and school personnel to ensure a successful transition of a child with special needs into the school system.
- Reporting of Child Protection and Child Abuse Document
Province of Manitoba guidelines for those involved in identifying, reporting and dealing with a child in need of protection, including child abuse.
- Safe and Caring Schools Document
This document guides educators in taking a whole-school approach to bulling prevention and fostering safety and belonging.
- Student Services Handbooks and Templates
A comprehensive list of links to Manitoba Education's handbooks, resources, protocols, and policies.
- Student-Specific Planning: A Handbook for Developing and Implementing IEP’s
This handbook is intended to provide educational professionals with an effective process for deciding which students require IEPs.
- Supporting Inclusive Schools: A Handbook for Developing and Implementing Programming for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder
This support document is intended to be a planning and programming resource for school teams who support students with ASD. The ASD Handbook includes information on planning for the student with ASD as well as evidence based teaching and instructional strategies.
- Supporting Inclusive Schools: Addressing the Needs of Students with Learning Disabilities
This resource is intended to support educators as they work with students with learning disabilities within inclusive classrooms and schools.
- Supporting Positive Behaviour in Manitoba Classrooms
This support document describes both proactive and reactive procedures and practices associated with positive behaviour support for use in the Manitoba classroom context.
- Supporting Transgender and Gender Diverse Students in Manitoba Schools
This resource provides guidelines for ensuring that schools are safe, respectful and equitable places for transgender and gender diverse students while supporting their individual process.