Links to resources to support newcomers to Canada, addressing the unique needs of immigrants and refugees.
- 211 Manitoba 211 Manitoba provides information on health and social services, community connection, and referral to resources for newcomers to Canada over the age of 18.
- Aurora Family Therapy Offers Family, Couple & Individual therapy free of charge to Newcomers.
- Building Hope: Refugee Learner Narratives This document is intended to help strengthen the capacity of school communities and to provide a supportive school environment for refugee and war-affected students.
- Caring for Syrian Refugee Children: A Program Guide for Welcoming Young Children and Their Families This guide will provide you with the knowledge and tools you need to better understand and respond to the unique experiences and needs of Syrian refugee children.
- CMAS: Childminding Monitoring, Advisory, and Support CMAS is an organization funded through Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) to monitor and support the childminding services offered alongside Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada (LINC) English as a second language programs.
- CPA's Culturally Competent Care for Diverse Groups List of Resources An extensive list of resources for psychologists interested in providing culturally competent care to diverse groups from Canadian Psychological Association
- Optimizing Well-being and Responding to Emotional Distress of Adults Refugee adult support for mental health crisis.
- Optimizing Well-being and Responding to Emotional Distress of CHILDREN and YOUTH Refugee children and youth support for mental health crisis.
- Population Profile: Syrian Refugees A PDF from Citizenship and Immigration Canada (November, 2015). In order to prepare for the arrival of refugees, CIC compiled available information on demographics and health characteristics of Syrian refugees.
- Refugee Mental Health and Addictions Fact Sheet for Service Providers Listing of addiction services in Manitoba for children/youth and adults.
- Refugees from Syria A PDF from November, 2014, with Information about refugees from Syria, addressing Syria’s modern history and government, the different Syrian populations, common beliefs and customs, conditions in first-asylum countries, and implications for resettlement.
- Students from Refugee Backgrounds: A Guide for Teachers and Schools A PDF from Government of British Columbia (revised December 2015). This Guide has been developed for teachers and other school personnel to provide background information, support strategies, and prepare for their arrival.
- The Educational and Mental Health Needs of Syrian Refugee Children Migration Policy Institute (Washington DC, USA; October 2015). This report examines the experiences and resulting educational and mental health needs of Syrian children living as refugees.
- Welcoming Newcomer and Refugee Children and Families This list of links and resources are specific to school professionals invested in welcoming newcomers.
- Working with refugees from Syria and surrounding Middle East countries: Tip Sheet Manitoba's Clinic Psychology Public Mental Health Initiative tip sheets based on cultural and psychological best practices, for individuals working with refugees from Syria and surrounding countries in the Middle East.