Professional Development
- Aulneau Centre
The Aulneau Centre frequently offers PD for clinicians that is often connected to an attachment lens.
- CTRI- Crisis and Trauma Resource Institute
Webinars, workshops, professional training, and consulting services for individuals, schools, communities and organizations affected by or involved in working with issues of crisis and trauma.
- HQS Professional Development
Manitoba based professional development for health care providers.
- Jack Hirose
This company strives to provide training methods of practical interventions and skill development.
- Manitoba Teachers Society
Teacher and education related PD.
- Pearson Assessments
Webinars for training of Pearson Assessment tools.
- School Neuropsychology Training and Recources
Information about the 10-month School Neuropsychology Post-Graduate Certification Program, ongoing workshops, information about national conferences, and a set of website links to online resources for school neuropsychology.
- Sopris Learning
Webinars designed to support leaders in implementing proven, practical solutions.
- The Attachment Network of Manitoba
The Attachment Network is a multi-organizational committee of members who are interested in promoting and enhancing secure attachment across the life span.